
After his seventh consecutive sitcom idea is turned down by networks, out of work TV writer is talked into producing a feature film by his best friend , who offers funds the movie.

Whilst the writer is out to make the best film he possibly can, his best friend cuts corners at every opportunity.

So much so that he decides that they much work with an amateur dramatics society, who could provide a venue and actors for free.

During filming the pair step over an accident with an actor, which ultimately leads the theatre company to pull out, sending the writer on a journey to discover what friendship and community are really about. 

The Story

In 2023 I embarked on my biggest project yet, to create a full blown feature film. 

With support of local volunteers, Medway Council and several locations my big dream became a reality with 10 supporting actors, over 30 extras, six locations and a budget that could be swapped for a busted up Nissan Micra. 

Was it plain sailing? Far from it, I made more mistakes than I’ve had hot dinners and there’s at least 50 things that I would do completely differently for the next production. 

Yet somehow, from the amazing commitment of the team, it came together. Check out my socials for updates on it’s final release date.